Windows 10 Mobile, aggiornamento in arrivo e Build Preview prima agli insider con i Lumia 550, 950 e 950 XL

Windows 10 Mobile

Windows 10 Mobile

Nell’annunciare la nuova Build Preview 14251 di Windows 10 per PC e tablet, Gabriel Aul ha anche speso qualche parola sull’atteso aggiornamento a Windows 10 Mobile. Ha fatto sapere che il proprio team è sulla buona strada per l’avvio della distribuzione nella prima parte dell’anno in corso (così come era stato programmato) e che grazie ai feedback inviati dagli insider si sta prodigando per fornire la migliore esperienza d’uso a tutti gli utenti che effettueranno l’upgrade.

I know that a lot of Windows Insiders are eager to know what’s going on with Mobile builds. As you know we’ve already released the Lumia 950, 950XL, and 550 devices with Windows 10 preinstalled, and we’re still on track to release Windows 10 as an upgrade to existing devices early this year as we planned. The team is working now by looking at data and reports from Insiders who have upgraded their devices to preview builds, and ensuring that we deliver a great upgrade experience to customers.

Il capo del team di sviluppo di Windows ha inoltre comunicato che d’ora in avanti le nuove Build Preview di Windows 10 Mobile arriveranno prima agli insider in possesso dei nuovi Lumia 550, 950 e 950 XL e successivamente a tutti gli altri.

Today we deliver our 4th PC preview build, and are nearly ready to start sharing new preview builds for Mobile as well. We will start by making these builds available to devices that shipped with Windows 10 – the 950, 950XL, and 550 – and expand from there as we release Windows 10 to other devices.

127 Commenti

  1. ☏ SimoneLumia630
    • ☏ XxNikoxX
      • ☏ Salvo735green
      • ☏ minzi
        • ☏ D640XL
          • Alessio (oissela)
          • ☏ D640XL
          • ☏ stingray5
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          • ☏ stingray5
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          • ☏ D640XL
          • ☏ max
          • ☏ D640XL
          • max
          • ☏ D640XL
          • max
          • ☏ D640XL
          • ☏ max
          • ☏ ettore
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          • ☏ magazine1
          • ☏ D640XL
  2. ☏ angelojoker640
  3. ☏ Jacob
    • ☏ minzi
      • ☏ Jacob
  4. ☏ nico820
    • ☏ Siccio
  5. ☏ fabio950
    • ☏ max
    • ☏ max
  6. ☏ Greta
  7. ☏ alexis
    • ☏ rorschach
      • ☏ alessandro950
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          • ☏ alessandro950
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          • ☏ alessandro950
          • ☏ minzi
          • ☏ Pupilino 930
    • ☏ Fausto
      • ☏ xxMicroxx640XL
        • ☏ Fausto
        • ☏ Fausto
      • ☏ alexis
        • ☏ rorschach
        • ☏ Fausto
      • ☏ rorschach
  8. Bax
    • ☏ minzi
      • Bax
    • ☏ stingray5
  9. ☏ bloomter
    • ☏ minzi
      • ☏ DavidLumia930
        • ☏ minzi
          • ☏ DavidLumia930
  10. ☏ benny81
  11. ☏ FreddyFazbear
    • ☏ alessandro950
      • ☏ Lumiaheart
        • ☏ alessandro950
  12. ☏ skywalkersenior
  13. ☏ mataiussc
    • ☏ Lumiaheart
      • ☏ DavidLumia930
      • ☏ mataiussc
  14. ☏ Antonio
    • ☏ xxMicroxx640XL
    • ☏ minzi
      • ☏ Antonio
  15. ☏ Davidone
    • ☏ finzi
      • ☏ Davidone
        • ☏ SilentBob
  16. ☏ claudio
    • ☏ Lumiaheart
      • ☏ xxMicroxx640XL
        • ☏ Lumiaheart
          • ☏ andrew
  17. ☏ bencola
    • ☏ minzi
  18. ☏ Fausto
  19. ☏ pako77
    • ☏ C.R Nokia Lumia 620 n.b
  20. ☏ DavidLumia930
  21. ☏ pako77
    • ☏ enrica
      • ☏ pako77
    • ☏ minzi
  22. ☏ pako77
    • ☏ minzi
      • ☏ Antonio
  23. ☏ leo
    • ☏ Antonio
    • ☏ magazine1
  24. ☏ Graham
    • ☏ ciro
    • ☏ minzi
  25. ☏ blackstone
    • ☏ Antonio
  26. ☏ antonio
  27. ☏ backtothe70
    • ☏ Frk
  28. ☏ Jonny C.
  29. ☏ sasa920
  30. ☏ gregorio
  31. ☏ tony
    • ☏ Bonsai
  32. ☏ gregorio
  33. ☏ Lumia550
  34. Antonello
    • ☏ Francesco
  35. ☏ fabio830
  36. ☏ lumia1020

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