Windows 10, al via il rilascio dell’Aggiornamento Cumulativo di aprile 2018 (non include Spring Creators Update)

Windows 10 - Aggiornamento Cumulativo

Windows 10 – Aggiornamento Cumulativo

Puntuale come ogni secondo martedì del mese, Microsoft ha dato il via al rilascio dell’Aggiornamento Cumulativo di Windows 10 di aprile 2018 per PC, tablet e smartphone ma al contrario di quanto si pensava non include lo Spring Creators Update (secondo alcune indiscrezioni sembra ci siano stati alcuni intoppi che ne ritarderanno la distribuzione).

Sui computer con Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (v1709) viene identificato con il nome in codice KB4093112 e una volta installato porta il sistema alla Build 16299.371. Su Windows 10 Mobile, invece, si passa alla Build 15254.369.

Sulle altre versioni di Windows 10 per computer, l’Aggiornamento Cumulativo in oggetto viene identificato come riportato di seguito:

Changelog ufficiale dell’update KB4093112 per PC e tablet:

  • Provides support to control usage of Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB) within some AMD processors (CPUs) for mitigating CVE-2017-5715, Spectre Variant 2 when switching from user context to kernel context (See AMD Architecture Guidelines around Indirect Branch Control and AMD Security Updates for more details). Follow instructions outlined in KB4073119 for Windows Client (IT Pro) guidance to enable usage of IBPB within some AMD processors (CPUs) for mitigating Spectre Variant 2 when switching from user context to kernel context.
  • Addresses an issue that causes an access violation in Internet Explorer when it runs on the Microsoft Application Virtualization platform.
  • Addresses an issue in Enterprise Mode related to redirects in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
  • Addresses an issue that generates an access violation on certain pages in Internet Explorer when it renders SVGs under a high load.
  • Addresses additional issues with updated time zone information.
  • Addresses an issue that might cause the App-V service to stop working on an RDS server that hosts many users.
  • Addresses an issue where user accounts are locked when applications are moved to a shared platform using App-V (e.g., XenApp 7.15+ with Windows Server 2016, where Kerberos authentication isn’t available).
  • Addresses an issue with printing content generated by ActiveX in Internet Explorer.
  • Addresses an issue that causes document.execCommand(“copy”) to always return False in Internet Explorer.
  • Addresses an issue that, in some instances, prevents Internet Explorer from identifying custom controls.
  • Security updates to Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows kpp platform and frameworks, Microsoft scripting engine, Windows graphics, Windows Server, Windows kernel, Windows datacenter networking, Windows wireless networking, Windows virtualization and Kernel, and Windows Hyper-V.

Qui sotto l’elenco delle migliorie e delle correzioni portate su Windows 10 Mobile dalla Build 15254.369:

  • Addresses an issue that generates an access violation on certain pages in Internet Explorer when it renders SVGs under a high load.
  • Addresses an issue with printing content generated by ActiveX in Internet Explorer.
  • Addresses additional issues with updated time zone information.
  • Addresses an issue that might cause the App-V service to stop working on an RDS server that hosts many users.
  • Addresses an issue where user accounts are locked when applications are moved to a shared platform using App-V (e.g., XenApp 7.15+ with Windows Server 2016, where Kerberos authentication isn’t available).
  • Addresses an issue that, in some instances, prevents Internet Explorer from identifying custom controls.
  • Security updates to Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows app platform and frameworks, Microsoft scripting engine, Windows graphics, Windows Server, Windows kernel, Windows datacenter networking, Windows wireless networking, Windows Hyper-V, and Windows virtualization and kernel.

Se il vostro PC non ha già fatto da sé, potete scaricare ed installare questo update manualmente accedendo a Impostazioni, Aggiornamento e Sicurezza, e cliccando o toccando la voce “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”. In alternativa potete scaricare l’installer da questa pagina web e procedere all’installazione manuale.

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26 Commenti

  1. ☏ Leviatano_Six
    • Alessio (oissela)
      • ☏ lumia1520
      • ☏ Leviatano_Six
  2. yepp
    • ☏ @leLumia950
      • Alessio (oissela)
        • ☏ @leLumia950
      • yepp
        • yepp
  3. ☏ rosario
  4. ☏ rosario
  5. ☏ rosario
  6. ☏ Luisa Lumia 640xl
    • Alessio (oissela)
    • alex
    • yepp
  7. alex
  8. Mirko EX Lumia 920 e 640 LTE
  9. manrico
  10. ☏ norberto
  11. ☏ Jackob
  12. ☏ norberto
  13. ☏ tobita
    • yepp
  14. ☏ rosario

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