Microsoft ha rilasciato un altro Aggiornamento Cumulativo di Windows 10 v1809 (October 2018 Update) per PC e tablet. E’ il secondo che distribuisce in questo primo mese del 2019 e arriva a pochi giorno di distanza da quello suppletivo reso disponibile per le edizioni v1803, v1709 e v1703 di Windows 10.
L’aggiornamento in oggetto è identificato con il codice KB4476976 e una volta installato porta il sistema alla Build 17763.292. Di seguito l’elenco delle correzioni che porta con sé:
- Addresses an issue that may cause Microsoft Edge to stop working with certain display drivers.
- Addresses an issue that may cause third-party applications to have difficulty authenticating hotspots.
- Addresses an issue that causes promotions of non-root domains to fail with the error, “The replication operation encountered a database error.” The issue occurs in Active Directory forests in which optional features like Active Directory recycle have been enabled.
- Addresses an issue related to the date format for the Japanese era calendar. For more information, see KB4469068.
- Addresses a compatibility issue with AMD R600 and R700 display chipsets.
- Addresses an audio compatibility issue when playing newer games with 3D Spatial Audio mode enabled through multichannel audio devices or Windows Sonic for Headphones.
- Addresses an issue that may cause audio playback to stop responding when playing Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) audio content after using a Seek operation such as rewind.
- Addresses an issue that allows users to uninstall apps from the Start menu when the “Prevent users from uninstalling applications from Start menu” group policy is set.
- Addresses an issue that causes File Explorer to stop working when you click the Turn On button for the timeline feature. This issue occurs when the “Allow upload of user activities” group policy is disabled.
- Addresses an issue that prevents users from installing a Local Experience Pack from the Microsoft Store when that language is already set as the active Windows display language.
- Addresses an issue that causes some symbols to appear in a square box on a text control.
- Addresses an issue with two-way audio that occurs during phone calls for some Bluetooth headsets.
- Addresses an issue that may turn off TCP Fast Open by default on some systems.
- Addresses an issue that may cause applications to lose IPv4 connectivity when IPv6 is unbound.
- Addresses an issue on Windows Server 2019 that may break connectivity on guest virtual machines (VMs) when applications inject the low-resource flag on packets.
- Addresses an issue that occurs if you create a page file on a drive with FILE_PORTABLE_DEVICE characteristics. The “Windows created a temporary warning” message appears.
- Addresses an issue that causes Remote Desktop Services to stop accepting connections after accepting several connections.
- Addresses an issue in Windows Server 2019 that causes a Hyper-V VM to remain at the bootloader screen for OS selection when restarting the machine. This issue occurs when Virtual Machine Connection (VMConnect) is attached.
- Addresses an issue with rendering of end-user-defined characters (EUDC) in Microsoft Edge.
Se il vostro PC con Windows 10 v1809 non ha già fatto da sé, potete avviare manualmente il download e l’installazione dell’update accedendo a Impostazioni, Aggiornamento e Sicurezza, e cliccando (o toccando) la voce “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”. In alternativa potete scaricare l’installer da questa pagina web e procedere all’installazione manuale.
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Avvista nuova build 15254.616 ? di W10M?
(un +69 rispetto all’attuale build .547)
=> Lunga vita a W10M
Ma le sorprese per oggi non sono ancora finite… ?
WhatsApp per W10M? si aggiorna alla ver 2.18.216
=> Lunga vita a W10M?
Su come no’ lunga vita … tra 11 mesi e’ definitivamente morto!
Ma le sorprese su W10M? non sono ancora finite… Oggi è il turno di: ?
▪ OneNote 16002.11231.20118.0
▪ PowerPoint 16002.11231.20096.0
=> Lunga vita a W10M?
Su W10M? oggi si aggiornano:
Code of War 3.12.3 ?
Excel 16002.11231.20096
=> Lunga vita a W10M?
Fatto l’aggiornamento al pc e non si connette più rinternet
Fatto aggiornamento, Edge non apre la pagina del router, con Crome funziona.
Vai in Pannello di controllo -> Rete ed Internet -> Opzioni Internet -> scheda “Sicurezza” -> Siti attendibili -> premi il pulsante “Siti” e aggiungi alla lista dei siti attendibili
@yepp grazie questa mi mancava proprio