Surface, un nuovo firmware update è disponibile al download per le versioni 2017 e Pro 4

Surface Pro

Surface Pro

Per il nuovo Surface Pro (versione 2017) e il Surface Pro 4 è disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento firmware. Come potete leggere di seguito, è stato rilasciato per aggiornare i driver di alcune componenti e, nel caso del Pro 4, anche per risolvere alcune vulnerabilità che minacciano la sicurezza del sistema. Per questo è opportuno eseguire l’installazione al più presto.

Changelog del “December 2017 update” per Surface Pro:

  • Surface GPS – System devices: improves system stability.
  • Surface GPS Multiplexer – System devices: improves system stability.
  • Surface GPS USB Multiplexer – System devices: improves system stability.
  • Surface UEFI – Firmware: 233.1903.770.0 improves system stability.

Changelog del “December 2017 update” per Surface Pro 4:

  • Intel(R) Precise Touch Device – Human Interface Devices: 2.0.99 improves multi-touch and pen connectivity when the device wakes from sleep.
  • Surface Embedded Controller Firmware – Firmware: 103.1791.258.0 improves system reliability.
  • Surface Management Engine – Firmware: resolves potential security vulnerability, including bulletin 170012.
  • Surface System Aggregator Firmware – Firmware: 103.1837.257.0 resolves potential security vulnerability, including bulletin 170012.
  • Surface UEFI – Firmware: 108.1866.769.0 resolves potential security vulnerability, including bulletin 170012.
  • Surface dTPM (IFX) – Firmware: 5.62.3126.2 resolves potential security vulnerability, including bulletin 170012.
  • Intel(R) Management Engine Interface – System device: required for UEFI update, and improves recovery from Connected Standby.
  • Surface Integration – System devices: improves system reliability.

Come al solito, per effettuare l’aggiornamento recatevi in Impostazioni, Aggiornamento e Sicurezza, Windows Update e avviate la procedura di download e installazione dall’apposito bottone.


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  1. yepp

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